Sports and Disability:

Looking Through Gender Lenses


  • Dr. Neha Campus Law Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi
  • Chandresh Soni Faculty of Law, University of Delhi


Sports, India, Gender-Sensitive Policies, Women Athletes with Disabilities, Inclusivity


This article examines the intricate intersection of gender and disability within the context of sports, shedding light on the distinctive challenges encountered by women athletes with disabilities. The historical context marked by male dominance in sports, along with the concept of ableism prevailing in the sporting landscape, necessitates a critical appraisal of systemic biases and inequalities. It highlights the transformative potential of sports emphasizing holistic benefits encompassing physical, psychological, and social dimensions. However, for women athletes with disabilities, formidable barriers, including limited opportunities, inadequate support systems, and structural constraints, pose significant impediments. Moreover, the article delves into issues such as gender-based pay disparities and media representation. It also provides an overview of the legal framework in India for ensuring accessible sports for women with disabilities, emphasizing constitutional provisions of equality and non discrimination, and the pivotal Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act of 20161. Notable government initiatives, including the Khelo India scheme, are discussed, alongside a significant legal case exemplifying discrimination against a woman athlete with disabilities. It reinforces the importance of recognizing access to sports as a fundamental human right for individuals with disabilities, as emphasized in international legal frameworks, including articles from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights2, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities3 and the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights4. The article advocates for inclusive sports design and promoting gender sensitive policies to empower women athletes with disabilities, fostering inclusivity within the realm of sports.




How to Cite

Dr. Neha, & Chandresh Soni. (2023). Sports and Disability: : Looking Through Gender Lenses. Journal of the Campus Law Centre, 10, 54. Retrieved from