The Sweet Revolution:

Transformations in India’s Sugar Sector


  • Audhesh Kumar Department of Commerce, University of Lucknow
  • Adarsh Mishra Department of Commerce, University of Lucknow
  • Vikas Shukla Department of Commerce, University of Lucknow


sugar industry, biofuel, sustainable development, ethanol


Over the past five years, the sugar sector in India has seen a revolution because of increased efficiency, sustainability, competitiveness, and technical advancement. The paper examines how sugar business in India has changed over the last five years. This study uses secondary data sources gathered from government websites, publications, journals, and newspapers to review pertinent literature. It explores the significant changes in the sector, including the adoption of contemporary technology, heightened rivalry, governmental initiatives, and progress toward a sustainable future. The impact of these changes on the industry, including increased production efficiency, decreased prices, and higher-quality products, is also examined in the study. The final section of the study explores how government regulations help to promote biofuel production and stabilize the business. Changes in the structure of consumption, as characterized by rising demand from the food industry and a larger role in bioethanol production, are the main drivers impacting the expansion of the sugar market. It examines adjustments to production and exports and highlights significant advancements in the industry.

Author Biographies

Audhesh Kumar, Department of Commerce, University of Lucknow

Audhesh Kumar
Department of Commerce
University of Lucknow
Adarsh Mishra
Research Scholar
Department of Commerce
University of Lucknow
Vikas Shukla
Research Scholar
Department of Commerce
University of Lucknow, Lucknow

Adarsh Mishra, Department of Commerce, University of Lucknow

Adarsh Mishra
Research Scholar
Department of Commerce
University of Lucknow

Vikas Shukla, Department of Commerce, University of Lucknow

Vikas Shukla
Research Scholar
Department of Commerce
University of Lucknow, Lucknow




How to Cite

Kumar, A., Mishra, A., & Shukla, V. (2023). The Sweet Revolution: : Transformations in India’s Sugar Sector. Intellectual Resonance, 6, 145. Retrieved from

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